The City of Glendale’s dedication to producing transparent, detailed annual financial reports for widespread public consumption has been formally recognized by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) in the form of a Popular Annual Financial Reporting (PAFR) Award. It’s a prestigious national award celebrating adherence to the highest standards for preparation of state and local government reports. This specific honor pertains to the PAFR for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. Glendale has won the award a grand total of four times from 2011 to present.
A PAFR presents a government entity’s financial and economic activities in one unified, comprehensive document. Specific sections include Economic Outlook, Financial Highlights, General Fund Resources vs. Appropriations, Cash Management, Capital Assets, and more. These reports also highlight current projects and provide insights into their development and anticipated completion.
Click the image below to view the City of Glendale’s 2015 PAFR.
The GFOA consists of over 18,000 government finance officials from Canada and the U.S. Reports submitted to the PAFR Awards Program are reviewed by selected members of the GFOA professional staff and by outside reviewers with experience in governmental accounting and financial reporting.
According to their website, these annual awards operate as a formal seal of approval intended to distinguish exceptional financial reporting from government municipalities.
“The PAFR Awards Program allows the public finance profession a welcome opportunity to recognize those governments that have, in fact, succeeded in preparing a high quality popular annual financial report.”
For more information and to view past City of Glendale PAFR Award-winning reports, click here.
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