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City of Glendale Seeks Consultant to Develop Public Art Master Plan

The City of Glendale, Department of Library, Arts & Culture is seeking a consultant to develop its Public Art Master Plan (PAMP). The selected consultant will work with the Arts & Culture Commission, key staff, and community stakeholders to define and inform the City’s launch of a citywide public art program. The Request for Proposals is being distributed to arts organizations, public artists, university public art entities, and known public art consulting firms nationwide. Glendale anticipates to have the Public Art Master Plan completed later this year, and to begin implementing it along with the 2016-2018 Arts and Culture Work Plan.

The City of Glendale recognizes that public art is a meaningful and interesting way to engage and enrich a community, and in 2010, established an Urban Art Fund. This fund required that developers contribute 1% of their development value to enhance public space with art. Since the fund was established, a flurry of new development has taken place. The Urban Art Fund now contains over $4.5 million. The Public Art Master Plan will ensure responsible stewardship of this important public asset.

Public art is defined as art that is paid for by public funds and displayed in public places. Types of public art include murals, monuments, interactive technology art, performance art, and public art events. Some cities that have distinguished public art programs include Santa Monica, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, Seattle, and Denver, among others.

The City of Glendale Department of Library, Arts & Culture staff administers public art projects under the direction of its Arts & Culture Commission. Five Arts & Culture Commissioners are appointed by each of the five City Council members. The Arts & Culture Commission includes Hrayr Sherikian, Chair; Shant Sahakian, Vice Chair; Arlette DerHovanessian, Teri Deaver, and Ara Oshagan.

The Public Art Master Plan will provide for a dramatic increase of public art in Glendale. Mayor Najarian stated, “The Public Art Master Plan will help further Glendale’s vision of a community rich in cultural offerings, enhance the quality of life of residents, the City’s aesthetic and cultural value, and strengthen the unique identity of Glendale.”

Current public art programs include the citywide utility box mural program, a concert series at the plaza of the Brand Library and Art Center, and a new pop-up arts program that will commence bringing temporary art projects to locations citywide. For additional information about the Public Art Master Plan Consulting RFP, please click here.

For additional information about the RFP, please contact Sharon Garret,Principal Library, Arts and Culture Administrator, at SGarrett@GlendaleCA.GOV or by phone at (818)-937-7815.

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