A monthly tax levied on residential and commercial energy bills, the Utility Users Tax (UUT) was established in 1969 and recently received a 66.6% majority voter affirmation in 2009. It constitutes 15.2% of the Glendale General Fund and represents $28.25 million in annual revenues. It plays an integral role in funding core city services such as Fire, Police, 9-1-1 Emergency Services, Parks, Libraries, and Street Maintenance. Visit GlendaleUUT.com for more information.
The City of Glendale has made a wealth of information and resources pertaining to the UUT available for public consumption. Below are brief blurbs and links directing you to these various materials.
UUT Staff Report
Read an in-depth staff report highlighting the potential ramifications of losing UUT funding.
To view the UUT Staff Report, click here.
UUT PowerPoint
A 13-page presentation sporting imagery and information on UUT rates and funding elimination scenarios.
To view the UUT PowerPoint, click here.
Comparative Data Analysis
Take a data dive into a statistical evaluation of Glendale’s emergency services departments and learn how they stack up against other large Los Angeles public municipalities.
To view the Comparative Data Analysis, click here.
Resources vs. Appropriations
A chart-driven breakdown of the General Fund.
To view Resources vs. Appropriations, click here.
The State of Our City Brochure
The digital version of a widely disseminated print brochure depicting graphs and information on the status of Glendale finances and ramifications of potential UUT loss.
To view The State of Our City Brochure, click here.
You’ve got UUT questions, and we’ve got UUT answers.
To view the UUT FAQ, click here.