On December 7th, residents will get the chance to take an active role in the development of a new project that will improve traffic safety and access here in Glendale. Since Fall of 2013, Los Angeles Metro has been identifying alternatives to the At-Grade railroad crossings located at Doran and Broadway/Brazil. These public meetings will be a chance for LA Metro to receive resident feedback on the proposed alternatives, learn more about Traffic Study findings, and talk one-on-one with engineers.
The project will be designed and built by LA Metro. It seeks to improve pedestrian and traffic safety at these two important junctures. Throughout the development process, there have been multiple opportunities for community feedback on the project. The two public meetings taking place on December 7th will focus on the proposed Fairmont Connector and Salem/Sperry Overpass, as well as, the work already done on the Doran and Broadway/Brazil crossing. The meetings will occur at the same place and present identical information, but at different times to accommodate businesses and residents.
The meeting will take place at the Environmental Management Center located at 780 Flower Street in Glendale. The afternoon meeting will take place from 3-5 PM and the evening session will be held from 6-8 PM.
For more information on the project and to get involved, visit http://metro.net/regionalrail.
To submit comments or ask questions, residents can call (888) 937-4797 or email regionalrail@metro.net.
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