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State Bills Supported, Opposed by Glendale City Council

The Glendale City Council received an update on the status of several bills that it either supported or opposed that landed on the Governor’s desk in the current legislative cycle at its October 10 meeting.

Governor Jerry Brown had until Sunday, October 15 to sign or veto bills sent to him. The 16 bills are part of over 100 bills the Council supported, opposed, or watched at the start of the legislative cycle.

Council takes positions on bills based on its legislative platform, which is devised in relations to Council’s strategic goals.

Council supported four bills, opposed one bill, and was watching another bill that was part of a 15-bill housing package approved by the Governor on September 29, 2017. The housing package is intended to help increase the supply and affordability of housing the state.

Bills in that housing package that Council supported include:

  • Senate Bill 2, the Building Homes and Jobs Act, which establishes a permanent funding source for affordable housing through a $75 fee on real estate transaction documents.

  • Senate Bill 3, which authorizes $4 billion in general obligation bonds for affordable housing programs and veteran’s home ownership program. To take effect, this bill requires voter approval on the November 2018 ballot.

  • Senate Bill 540, which streamlines the environmental review process for certain local affordable housing projects.

  • Assembly Bill 1505, which authorizes cities and counties to adopt an inclusionary ordinance for residential rental units in order to create to create affordable housing

Council opposed Senate Bill 35, which streamlines the approval process for infill developments in local communities that have failed to meet their regional housing needs, but was signed into law.

Under watch by the Council, Assembly Bill 73, which gives local governments incentives to create housing on infill sites near public transportation, was also approved as part of the housing package.

Governor Brown also signed recently signed three Council-supported bills into law, including:

  • Assembly Bill 10, which would prohibit a public school from charging for any menstrual products, including feminine hygiene products, provided to pupils.

  • Assembly Bill 210, which authorizes counties to establish a homeless adult, child, and family multidisciplinary personnel team to facilitate the expedited identification, assessment and linkage of homeless individuals to housing and supportive services.

  • Assembly Bill 466, which establishes within the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy the Upper Los Angeles River and Tributaries Working Group. Glendale will be a member of that group.

  • Assembly Bill 954, which encourage food manufacturers, processors, and retailers responsible for the labeling of food products to voluntarily use uniform terms on food product labels to communicate quality dates and safety dates.

  • Assembly Bill 1180, which authorizes the Los Angeles County Flood Control District to levy a tax or impose a fee or charge to pay the costs and expenses of carrying out projects and programs to increase storm water capture and reduce storm water and urban runoff pollution in the district.

  • Senate Bill 5, which, as part of a bond measure on the June 2018 ballot, provide $20 million in funding for the Glendale Narrows Riverwalk project

In April, another Council-supported bill, Senate Bill 1, which creates the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program to address deferred maintenance on the state highway and local street and road systems, was signed into law.

As of October 15, 2017, the final day to act on bills, the Governor had vetoed two bills. The Council supports one of those two bills:

  • Assembly Bill 1408, which would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide local law enforcement agencies with copies of records of supervision during certain prior periods of parole

The Council opposes Senate Bill 649, one of the most high profile bills of the legislative cycle, which takes local discretion on issuance and design of wireless telecommunications facilities away from local governments and caps the rental incomes at $250 per site. The Governor vetoed this bill, too.

The Governor did not sign or veto Senate Bill 169, a bill the Council supports, which seeks to establish sex equity in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary schools that receive state financial assistance

The City took a stance on many other bills that did not make it to the Governor’s desk this year, including big bills that turned into two-year bills.

Senate Bill 100 would require the state to go carbon free by 2045.

Assembly Bill 1250, which would have prohibited cities from contracting out services, will now only impact counties.

More details about each of these bills can be found in the full agenda report from the October 10 council meeting. The Council will receive its next legislative update in December.


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