The Arroyo Verdugo Communities Joint Powers Authority (AVCJPA) consists of the cities of Burbank, Glendale, La Cañada Flintridge, Pasadena, and South Pasadena and the unincorporated areas of Crescenta Valley/Montrose within Los Angeles County. Earlier this year, the city councils and county approved the formation of the JPA and have begun work on the first five-year funding plan for the JPA’s Multiyear Subregional Programs (MSP). Funded through the voter-approved sales tax, Measure M, the Arroyo Verdugo Communities must create their MSP Plans in order to determine what projects to fund in the first five years.
Each agency within the JPA will be hosting a public meeting to discuss the potential projects and would like your input. Please join us at one of the following public meetings:
Measure M Five-Year Multiyear Subregional Program Public Meetings
If you are unable to attend a public meeting, you may submit your comments here. For questions, please contact Ann Wilson at email
For more Measure M information, please visit,