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Community Meeting: Congregate Living, ADU’s, Marijuana

In an upcoming community meeting on Thursday, March 1, Glendale’s Police Department and Community Development Department are partnering with the Northwest Glendale Homeowners Association to discuss State legislation and its impacts on local ordinances, to include matters such as Congregate Living, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Recreational Marijuana. This meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. at the Brand Library Auditorium. The following provides some background on these matters as it pertains to Glendale:

Congregate Living: A residential home that provides inpatient and skilled nursing care. This state mandated program allows for inpatient care that includes the following services: medical supervision, 24-hour skilled nursing and supportive care, pharmacy, dietary, social, recreational, and at least one type of specified service. Click here for more on California State congregate living and other health facilities.

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU): Also known as granny flats, in-law units, secondary units and more, an ADU is an attached or detached residential dwelling unit which provides a complete independent living facility for one or more persons. Recent changes in state law require accessory dwelling units be permitted administratively, which voided existing local ordinances that failed to provide this process. Since ADUs were previously prohibited in Glendale due to adopted ordinance No. 5120 (1996), in January 2017, Glendale City Council adopted an interim ordinance to create development standards while staff continued to review and implement Zoning Code amendments. On January 30, 2018, the Glendale City Council will be discussing and voting on an amendment to the Glendale Municipal Code relating to the establishment of development standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Click here for more information.

Recreational Marijuana: The Adult Use of Recreational Marijuana Act (Prop 64) was approved by California State voters and is now State Law. On November 14th, 2017, the Glendale City Council unanimously voted to extend the existing ban on the public use and sale of recreational and medical marijuana. With this decision, the Council did not change any zoning codes to allow for the development of marijuana dispensaries and related facilities. As part of the vote, Council also directed staff to study outcomes in cities that have approved the sale and use of recreational marijuana and return to Council within the next year with a pro/con analysis of those outcomes. Although there are local ordinances in place for the public use and sale, State law allows for indoor cultivation, public possession, and purchasing of commercial marijuana. Visit to learn more.


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