Afternoon Items
The Glendale City Council approved a resolution to make certain findings under the California Redevelopment Law Section 33433; Approving the lease of certain property to LINC-CORE Housing Partners – Glendale LP; And, making certain findings with respect to such affordable housing agreement and such lease (5th and Sonora Senior Affordable Rental Project). The Housing Authority moved items 1B, C, & D.
B.) Approved amendments to the FY 2014-15 through 2017-18 HOME Action Plans for the purpose of implementing the 5th & Sonora affordable housing development, executing the Affordable Housing Agreement and using a portion of HOME funds for said project.
C.) Approved a resolution approving an affordable housing agreement between the Housing Authority and LINC-CORE Housing Partners LP for the development of 5th and Sonora.
D.) Approved a resolution appropriating HOME funds for the 5th and Sonora project.
Consent Items
Glendale City Council approved the consent calendar.
Glendale City Council approved a motion which awarded a contract to American Reclamation, Inc. for as-needed household bulky and abandoned item collection services. The contract with American Reclamation, Inc. will cost up to $250,000 per year for the first two years. Based on the rate of $60.62 per hour, this amount will fund two collection vehicles and four collection staff members full-time for one year. The full report can be found here.
Council also authorized the contract execution with RC Foster Corporation for the Pump Replacement Project at the Glenoaks 968 Pump Station. The Glendale water system contains 28 booster pump stations that are used to pump water from various sources (imported water from the Metropolitan Water District, local groundwater wells, the Los Angeles - Glendale Water Reclamation Plant, etc.) to reservoirs or tanks. Water is then distributed by gravity to the service area. Many of the booster stations are more than 40 years old, including the Glenoaks 968 Pump Station. The full report can be found here.
Council approved a motion which authorized the execution of an amendment to the forensic services agreement with Ron Smith and Associates, Inc. which provides agencies with personnel to perform forensic work. The Police Department has had difficulties hiring new Forensics personnel to replace the three employees who left in 2017. The full report can be found here.
City Council also adopted a resolution correcting the same resolution that was adopted on January 30, 2018, relating to placing a proposed Charter amendment on the ballot for the Special Municipal Election to be held on June 5, 2018. The full report can be found here.
Action Items
City Council approved a resolution for the appropriation of funding for the Fire Department to conduct a firefighter recruit academy, which will commence on April 2, 2018. The resolution of appropriation provides funding to train firefighter recruits to fill current vacancies within the department. There are currently seven vacant sworn positions in the Fire Department. The academy will be instructed by Glendale Fire Department personnel qualified to provide recruit training. The proposed academy is anticipated to have seven lateral firefighter paramedic recruits in training for 6 weeks commencing in April of 2018. The full report can be found here.
Next Meeting
The next regular City Council Meeting is scheduled for February 27, 2018 at 6 p.m. at Glendale City Hall in City Council Chambers. A Housing Authority meeting will precede it at 3 p.m. More information about the topics to be discussed can be found in the links provided in this section.