Verdugo Park North Master Plan Concept Design
The Glendale City Council directed Community Services & Parks Department staff to consider an alternative option to the three Verdugo Park North Plan concept designs provided to Council.
Council members reached a consensus on a list of items to include in the plan. Council agreed to replace the existing restroom and patio with a new restroom and 1500 to 1800 square foot community room.
Additionally, Council agreed to replacing the Shane’s Inspiration playground, renovating the community garden, keeping the existing road, and replacing existing picnic tables with new picnic tables that are accessible according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
More information about the concept design proposals can be found in the related staff report here.
Workforce Demographics Report Update 2003 to 2016
City Human Resources Director Matt Doyle updated Council on the City’s workforce demographics. The HR report looks at the composition of the City employee workforce and reveals general trends in hiring practices.
“As we try to diversify this organization, the report and tables show an organization that is becoming more diverse as time goes on,” said Doyle.
Noticeable trends for this 14-year time frame include the following:
Armenian Salaried Employees: 119.8% increase (96 to 211)
Asian/Pacific Islander Salaried Employees: 5.4% increase (129 to 136)
Black Salaried Employees: 5.4% decrease (56 to 53)
Hispanic Salaried Employees: 11.2% increase (394 to438)
White Salaried Employees: 39.8% decrease (945 to 569)
The gender composition of the workforce remained relatively constant. As of December 31, 2016, the City workforce was 30% female and 70% male. That represents a 1.3% decrease in the number of female employees since 2003. For more workforce demographic data, see the full report here.
Pennsylvania Avenue Improvements
Expect to see pavement rehab, traffic signal improvements, and more between July and October of this year on Pennsylvania Avenue. Improvements will result in smoother and quieter rides, and enhanced traffic flow on surface streets among other benefits. A majority of the $1.76 million project will be paid for by a combination of Federal funds and Los Angeles County Measure R funds. Find the full report here.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Compliance Continued at Beeline and Dial-A-Ride
As a Federal Transit Administration subrecipient, the City of Glendale Beeline and Dial-A-Ride are required to comply with Title VI requirements of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Council approved a proposed program that addresses those requirements, including key components like public notification of rights, language assistance plan, an inclusive public participation process, and equitable service standards. Find the full report here.
Fresh Coat of Protective Paint for MSB
Council awarded a $230,000 contract for new exterior protective coating on the City-owned Municipal Service Building at 633 E. Broadway. The building houses several City departments. It last received a coat of paint 32 years ago – a length of time well beyond the life expectancy for a coated exterior surface. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. Find the full report here.
Roofing Replacement and Restoration at City Hall
Council awarded a $265,188 contract for roofing replacement and restoration at City Hall. Project materials are consistent with modern ‘green-building” strategies, which will result in significant energy savings. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. Find the full report here.
The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, which is located on the 2nd floor of Glendale City Hall, 613 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA 91206.
To read this story in Armenian, please click here.