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Council Quick Take: April 6, 2021

Glendale’s Council Quick take is here to give you the breakdown on the City’s Weekly Council Meetings. On April 6, 2021, Council met for their afternoon and regularly scheduled Council Meeting.

Glendale Housing Authority

Community Development, re: Public Hearing and Approval of the Section 8 Public Housing Agency Annual Plan FY 2021-2022 The Housing Authority adopted a resolution authorizing the submission the Section 8 Public Housing Agency (PHA) Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 to HUD. The Plan includes a $41.7M budget, comprised of the administration of $22.3M Glendale Vouchers, $210K VASH Vouchers (Veterans), $196K Mainstream Vouchers, and $18.9M Portable Vouchers (from other agencies). Also included in the Annual Plan is a progress update on the 5 Year Plan objective and goals.

Joint Meeting: Glendale city Council and Glendale Housing Authority

City Attorney, re: Interim Urgency Ordinance Making the City Council the Reviewing and Approving Authority for any Discretionary Density Bonus Requests and City-Initiated or City-Sponsored (Public-Private Partnership) Density Bonus Affordable Housing Plan Applications The Glendale City Council introduced an urgency ordinance making the council the reviewing and approving body for any density bonus requests greater than the amount afforded by the State of California’s Density Bonus Law. The ordinance includes any density bonus housing plan application that requests a density bonus, incentives, or waivers for housing developments that qualify as affordable and are funded, sponsored, or initiated by the City or Housing Authority. View report to Council

Glendale City Council Meeting

On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, Glendale City Council Member Paula Devine was selected as the City’s Mayor by fellow council members. Ms. Devine takes over the position from outgoing Mayor Vrej Agajanian. This is Ms. Devine’s second time serving in the position of Mayor.

Consent Items

The following consent items were approved in one motion by City Council:

4a. City Clerk, re: Minutes of the Special City Council meeting of February 26, 2021 and March 5, 2021

Adoption of Ordinances

Management Services, re: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GLENDALE AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE GLENDALE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADD CHAPTER 8.42 TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF POLYSTYRENE AND SINGLE-USE PLASTIC PRODUCTS IN THE SERVING OF PREPARED FOOD AT CERTAIN CITY MANAGED, CITY RUN CONCESSIONS, OR AT CITY SPONSORED EVENTS LOCATED ON CITY OWNED OR CONTROLLED FACILITIES The Glendale City Council introduced an ordinance prohibiting the use of polystyrene and single-use plastic products in all City facilities, City-managed concessions, City-sponsored events, and City-permitted events that serve prepared food. View report to Council

Action Items

Glendale Water and Power, re: Substation Transformer, Load Tap Changer, and Regulator Inspection, Repair, and Testing Services The Glendale City Council adopted a Resolution to dispense with the bidding procedures and authorize the Purchasing Administrator, or his designee, to solicit competitive bids and execute an agreement for substation trans-former, load tap change (LTC)r, and regulator inspection, repair, and testing services. GWP is committed to providing reliable and trusted service to its customers. Immediate repairs of transformers, LTCs, and regulators is needed for maintaining safe and reliable power to GWP’s customers. View full report to Council

Community Development, re: Direction on the Future of the Slow Streets Program City Council provided direction to staff to return with additional information on curb bulb outs and crosswalk paintings, and to move forward with permanent signs within the streets. Staff is encouraged to work with the Arts & Culture Commission for artist collaborations on the crosswalk project and to focus on the corridors with the highest need. Council also requested staff explore rumble strips near schools, specifically Hoover, Toll, and Keppel. View full report to Council


City of Glendale Pavement Management Program Presentation City Staff presented a status report on Glendale’s Pavement Management Program (PMP), which has digitally and electronically evaluated the City’s streets and alleys’ condition. Staff generated three scenarios for managing city streets, including the “Zero” or “Do nothing” scenario, in which the City leaves the roads in their current condition. The second scenario involves maintaining a constant PCI, which increases the City’s maintenance budget to $6million per year but improves road conditions. The last is maintaining the current budget, which is at $4 million per year. However, this scenario would see a decrease in the condition of City streets over time. Staff noted the next step in the PMP program is developing a 5-year plan.

Presentation on Riverside Drive Speed Limit Study City staff presented a report on a study of the speed limit on Riverside Dr. The study was conducted in response to Council’s request to investigate the feasibility of reducing Riverside Dr.’s posted speed limit from 35mph to 30mph. The Engineering and Traffic Survey (E&TS) found an 85th percentile of the speed radar study at 39 mph. Following the California standards, that number would be rounded up to the nearest 5 mph increment, which is 40mph. In considering the findings from the E&TS, the recommendation was to have a posted speed limit of 35mph, which is where it should remain as it follows the State’s speed setting guidelines.

The next Glendale City Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 6:00pm.

Meetings can be viewed on local cable: Charter Cable Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. They may additionally be streamed online by visiting our Public Meeting Portal, or by tuning in to our YouTube channel.


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