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Council Quick Take: July 13, 2021

Glendale’s Council Quick take is here to give you the breakdown on the City’s Weekly Council Meetings. On July 13, 2021, Council met for their afternoon and regularly scheduled Council Meeting.

Joint Meeting: Glendale City Council and Glendale Housing Authority

Community Development, re: Density Bonus Study Session Staff provided the Glendale City Council and Housing Authority with a presentation on the Density Bonus law, how it’s applied in Glendale, and options for amending the program. Alternatives include providing incentives through a “menu of concessions” that might reduce the overall density of a project while streamlining the approval process for developers. There are also changes to Glendale’s code (Chapter 30.36) necessary to be in conformance with amended state density bonus law. This item will return to Council in early fall. View report to Council

Glendale City Council Meeting

Consent Items

The following consent items were approved in one motion by City Council:

4a. Glendale Water and Power, re: Amendments to Service Schedule Agreement with Alliance for Cooperative Energy Services Power Marketing, LLC

4b. Glendale Water and Power, re: Award of a Construction Contract to Jeremy Harris Construction, Inc. for the Brand Park Reservoir Slope Repair Project

4c. Community Services and Parks, re: Award of Supportive Services Program Amendment Four of Grant Funds for FY 2021-2022 from County of Los Angeles Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services

4d. Community Services and Parks, re: Older Americans Act baseline funding for FY 2021-2022 Elderly Nutrition Program (Amendment Four to the Subaward) from County of Los Angeles Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services and Meals on Wheels America Go Further Fund Building Capacity grant funding in support of Elderly Nutrition Program

4e. Police Department, re: The County of Los Angeles Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund, Request for Authorization to Accept Grant Funds in the amount of $45,000 to be used for the purpose of prosecution and/or investigation of real estate fraud

4f. Public Works, re: The Distributed Drywell System Project

4g. Public Works, re: Technical and Regulatory Review of Applications for Telecommunications Facilities

4h. Community Development, re: Streetcar Contract Amendment to add City funding and extend timeline

Action Items

Public Works, re: Introduction of Ordinance Authorizing Commercial and Multifamily Franchise Hauling System City Council introduced an ordinance amending GMC Chapter 8.56 and 8.56.150 and authorizing City Council the authority to establish an exclusive Commercial and Multifamily Franchise Hauling System in anticipation of the conclusion of final negotiations. The City of Glendale has been engaged in an extensive process to implement an exclusive franchise system for the collection, hauling, recycling, and disposal of solid waste from commercial establishments and multi-family residential properties of five units or more. This exclusive franchise system furthers sustainability goals, brings improvement to the environment and allows the City to meet additional mandates by the State of California related to recycling and organics diversion. This item will come back to the Council on July 27th for adoption. View report to Council

Community Development, re: West Glendale Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study Council moved to note and file the West Glendale Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study until more outreach is performed and feedback is collected. They delay in this study is due to the pandemic. View report to Council

City Attorney, re: Campaign Finance Ordinance Update: Consideration of Voluntary Expenditure Limits and Public Financing of Municipal Election Campaigns; Consideration of Miscellaneous Updates and Cleanups to Campaign Finance Ordinance, and Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustments to Campaign Contribution Limits the City Council considered a report on various campaign finance items relating to voluntary expenditure limits by candidates, public financing of campaigns, amendments to the City’s existing campaign finance ordinance, and a CPI adjustment of third party campaign contribution limits. The City Council directed staff to conduct additional research relating to voluntary expenditure limits and prepare a memorandum regarding same to Council for further consideration. With regard to the public financing of campaigns and further amendments to the City’s existing campaign finance ordinance, the City Council directed staff to return with proposed ordinances for further consideration, direction and action. The City Council also adopted a resolution adjusting the third party campaign contribution limits from $1,140 to $1,190 in accordance with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). View report to Council


Public Works, re: Approval of the Final Engineer’s Report and Ordering the Levy and Collection of Annual Assessments for the North San Fernando Road Corridor Landscape Maintenance District for Fiscal Year 2021-22 The North San Fernando Road Corridor Landscape Maintenance District was formed on January 9, 2007 pursuant to the Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972. There are (5) Zones within the boundaries of the District and they receive differing degrees of benefit from the improvements and services to be provided such as a hardscape maintenance, water costs and maintenance costs for site amenities. On June 15, 2021, City Council approved the resolution preliminarily approving the Engineering’s Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Levy and declaring the City Council intention’s to levy and collect the Annual Assessment for Fiscal Year 2021-22. This week, City Council adopted the resolutions to approve the Final Engineer’s Report and ordered the levy and collection of annual assessments for the North San Fernando Road Corridor Landscape Maintenance District for Fiscal Year 2021-22. View report to Council

The Glendale City Council will meet next on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 beginning at 3:00pm for afternoon meetings followed by the regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 6:00pm.

Meetings can be viewed on local cable: Charter Cable Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. They may additionally be streamed online by visiting our Public Meeting Portal, or by tuning in to our YouTube channel.


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