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Council Quick Take: June 29, 2021

Glendale’s Council Quick take is here to give you the breakdown on the City’s Weekly Council Meetings. On June 29, 2021, Council met for their afternoon and regularly scheduled Council Meetings.

Special Meeting: Glendale City Council

Community Development, re: Management and Operation of the Alex Theatre, 216 N. Brand Blvd; Authorization to Terminate Exclusive Negotiations with Glendale Arts; Provide Direction to Begin Alternate Negotiations; and Temporarily Extend Current Lease and Management Agreement to Facilitate Transition Council provided direction to staff to extend the current lease and management agreement with Glendale Arts for up to 3 additional months, and then month by month if needed following this period to facilitate a proper transition. Council also directed staff to negotiate with all three RFP bidders for the management and operation of the Alex Theatre. View report to Council

Joint Meeting: Glendale City Council and Glendale Housing Authority

Community Services and Parks, re: FY 2021-2022 Proposed Revised Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) Programs City Council and Housing Authority approved the Revised FY 2021-2022 CDBG, ESG, and HOME Annual Action Plan, appropriating the additional $27,912 to various projects ($4,186 to Public Social Services and $23,726 to Capital Improvement Projects) as recommended by the CDBG Advisory Committee and authorized submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Council also authorized the City Manager, or a designee, to redirect excess, cancelled, or unused program funds under $50,000 from one project to another with Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee approval. View report to Council

Community Services and Parks, re: FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and HOME Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) related to CARES Act funding for ESG-CV2 and CDBG-CV3 City Council and the Housing Authority approved the Glendale Continuum of Care Board’s recommendation of the final funding allocations for the Emergency Solutions Grant – Coronavirus Round 2 (ESG-CV2) in the amount of $3,104,861. They also approved the CDBG Advisory Committee’s recommendation for funding allocations and recipients for the reprogrammed portion of the Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus Round 3 (CDBG-CV3), Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020, in the amount of $1,083,000, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Additionally, they authorized the City Manager or a designee to execute all agreements, amendments, certifications, and documents necessary to accept and implement the funding recommendations; and authorized submission of the FY2019-2020 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment to HUD. View report to Council

Glendale City Council Meeting

Consent Items

The following consent items were approved in one motion by City Council:

4a. Public Works, re: Approval of the Title VI Program for Glendale Beeline and Dial-A-Ride transit programs

4b. Public Works, re: Uninterrupted Power Supply Improvements at four Parking Garages

4c. Public Works, re: Approval of the Final Map of Tract No. 82226, for a 5-Unit Condominium Subdivision at 364 W. California Avenue

4d. Public Works, re: Glendale Regional Arterial Traffic Performance Measurement System Project and On-Call Fiber Optic Testing, Design, Installation, and Maintenance Services

4e. Information Services Department, re: Contract Amendment with EdgeSoft, Inc.

4f. Information Services Department, re: Scope of Work regarding the Citywide Wi-Fi Master Plan

4g. Police Department, re: State of California, Department of California Highway Patrol, Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program, Request for Authorization to Accept Grant Funds in the amount of $131,108 to be used to reduce and mitigate the impacts of impaired driving in local communities

4h. City Attorney, re: Annual Excess Insurance Policy Renewals for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

4i. Glendale Water and Power, re: Reallocation of Funds within Glendale Water and Power Electric Depreciation Fund, GWP Projects

Action Items

Community Development, re: Potential initiation of a Glendale Municipal Code, 1995, amendment related to urban beekeeping in residential zones Council asked staff to return with a draft code amendment that would allow residential bee keeping as proposed in additional zones (R1, R1R, ROS), allow 1 hive per every 2500 SF, require education and credentials for operators, and require an 8-foot wall height surrounding the bee keeping area. View report to Council

Glendale Water and Power, re: Glendale Water & Power (GWP) Energy Risk Management Policy, Trading Authority Policy and Annual Authority for the Purchase or Sale of Energy Services City Council approved the annual updates to the Energy Risk Management Policy and Trading Authority Policy. The policy updates are necessary to respond to the new risk exposures affecting GWP. The updates also include changes within the GWP organizational structure. The Glendale City Council also approved to dispense with competitive bidding and authorized the City Manager and GWP General Manager to enter into energy related transactions and services that do not exceed five years in term. View report to Council

Glendale Water and Power, re: Dispensing with Competitive Bidding and Authorizing a One-Year Extension of A Power Line Clearance Tree Trimming and Removal Services Contract City Council authorized staff to Dispense with Competitive Bidding and to execute an agreement for a One-Year Extension of Contract No. C106241A with West Coast Arborists, Inc. The extension of the Power Line Clearance Tree Trimming and Removal Services Contract will be for an amount not to exceed $2,500,000 for the one-year term through August 2022. During the One-Year Extension, GWP staff will incorporate any needed Wildfire Mitigation Plan requirements/specification into a future 5-Year Power Line Clearance Tree Trimming and Removal Services Contract, which will go out for Competitive Bidding. View report to Council

Public Works, re: City of Glendale Measure R Sub-Regional Program Update Measure R is a half-cent sales tax for Los Angeles County that finances new transportation projects and programs. In November of 2008, the County was approved to commit $40 billion to traffic congestion and transportation upgrades for which the City of Glendale received approximately $98.5 million. To date, the City has spent roughly $48 million on transportation-related projects to improve traffic congestion and safety within the City. On June 29, 2021, City Council approved staff’s request for programming changes to obtain additional Measure R Sub-Regional funds for City improvement projects for the Fiscal Year ’21-’22. View report to Council

City Attorney, re: Ratification and Extension of Emergency Public Orders City Council moved to extend Emergency Public Orders relating to personal care establishments, outdoor gyms and dance academies, use of City Parks facilities for gyms and dance academies, outdoor use of banquet halls, and the commercial eviction moratorium to September 30, 2021. They also ratified the Public Order for face coverings. View report to Council

City Attorney, re: Campaign Finance Ordinance Update: Consideration of Voluntary Expenditure Limits and Public Financing of Municipal Election Campaigns; Consideration of Miscellaneous Updates and Cleanups to Campaign Finance Ordinance, and Consumer Price Index (CPI) Adjustments to Campaign Contribution Limits This item was moved to the July 13, 2021 meeting. View report to Council


Fire Department, re: Public hearing to confirm assessed abatement fees (Vegetation Management Program) City Council moved to confirm the assessed abatement fees for 125 Bailey Place and authorized the fire code official to file a lien accordingly. View report to Council

The Glendale City Council will meet next on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 beginning at 2:00pm for a Special Meeting followed by the regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 6:00pm.

Meetings can be viewed on local cable: Charter Cable Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. They may additionally be streamed online by visiting our Public Meeting Portal, or by tuning in to our YouTube channel.


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