Glendale’s Council Quick take is here to give you the breakdown on the City’s Weekly Council Meetings. On May 4, 2021, Council met for their afternoon and regularly scheduled Council Meeting.
Special Meeting: Glendale City Council
Finance, re: FY 2021-22 Budget Study Session 2: Measure S View Presentation
Joint Meeting: Glendale City Council and Glendale Housing Authority
Community Development, re: City Council Approval of a Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Plan Application and Associated Environmental Review (Density Bonus Housing Plan Case No. PDBP 2106442), Housing Authority Approval of Execution of a Letter of Loan Commitment and Lease Option with Meta Housing Corporation for a 127-Unit Affordable Rental Housing Project for Seniors at 900 E. Broadway, and Resolution of Appropriation in the amount of $7,564,757, a Total Project amount of $9M City Council approved Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Plan, authorized the Executive Director Execution of Letter of Loan Commitment and Lease Option with Meta Housing Corporation, and appropriated $7,564,757 from existing housing funds to the 900 E. Broadway project (total Housing costs $15M, inclusive of ground lease). The project will provide 100% affordable rental housing for seniors with incomes between 20% and 70% of area median income. The project will be a 5-story new construction residential building with 126 for-rent dwelling units, including a mix of 87 studio units, 39 one-bedroom units, and one two-bedroom unit. View report to Council
Community Development, re: City Council Approval of a Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Plan Application and Associated Environmental Review (Density Bonus Housing Plan Case No. PDBP 2106458) and Housing Authority Execution of a Letter of Loan Commitment, and Lease Option with Abode Communities for a 40-Unit Affordable Rental Housing Project for Seniors at 920 E. Broadway City Council approved the Density Bonus and Inclusionary Housing Plan and authorized the Executive Director Execution of Letter of Loan Commitment and Lease Option with Abode Communities. The total housing cost is $9.550M, inclusive of ground lease. The project includes adaptive reuse of three existing, historic commercial buildings and the new construction of one additional residential building to develop 39 units of 100% affordable rental housing for seniors, one manager’s unit, and ancillary facilities. The unit mix includes 14 studios, 25 one-bedroom units, and 1 two-bedroom (manager’s unit) for seniors will be for those earning between 30% and 60% of area median income. View report to Council
Glendale City Council Meeting
Consent Items
The following consent items were approved in one motion by City Council:
4a. Public Works, re: Grandview Library and Brand Library & Art Center Audio Visual Renovation Project
4b. Community Services and Parks, re: The Verdugo Workforce Development Board’s Local Workforce Development Plan 2021-2024 and its submission to the California Workforce Development Board and the State of California Employment Development Department
4c. Community Services and Parks, re: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act 25% Additional Assistance funds
4d. Community Services and Parks, re: Amendment 3 to the FY2020-2021 Elderly Nutrition Program Subaward accepting additional Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and Families First Coronavirus Response Act funding allocation in support of senior meals
4e. Police Department, re: Professional Services Agreement for False Alarm Management Services.
4f. City Attorney, re: Setting a Public Hearing on Modification of the Greater Downtown Glendale Community Benefit District Management District Plan to Exclude a Certain Parcel Located at 1000 North Central Avenue Therefrom
Action Items
Public Works, re: Contract Amendment for the Recycling Center City Council moved to authorize an amendment to the City’s contract with Allan Company, the City’s current contracted operator of the Glendale Recycling Center, to begin paying for the processing and marketing of the City’s recyclables at a rate of $54 per ton, effective July 1, 2021 through the expiration of this contract in October 2021. View report to Council
Management Services, re: Legislative Update City Council noted and filed a report that provided an update on state legislation, which included information on the state budget, the Senate housing package to address the state’s ongoing housing crisis, and a list of bills that the City of Glendale has taken a position on and is currently tracking. Council also adopted a motion to authorize the City of Glendale’s participation in a Speed Safety System Pilot Program as part of Assembly Bill 550. Assembly Bill 367, the Menstrual Equity Act, recommended to Council by the Commission on the Status of Women, was returned to the Commission for reconsideration due to recent amendments made to the bill. View report to Council
Management Services, re: Historical Context Statement Consultant Recommendation and Funding Allocation In an effort to fully explore and understand Glendale’s history, the Glendale City Council directed staff to draft and release a Request for Proposals (RFP) to complete a historical context statement. This historic context statement is not intended to be a comprehensive historical assessment; rather, it will focus on describing those historical development patterns within which the significance of resources can be understood. The City of Glendale issued a RFP for a Historic Context Statement, and invited written proposals from qualified individuals or firms to draft the document for the City with a focus on the theme of race/ethnicity, inclusive of the following subsections: African American, Latinx, Eastern Asian, and Western Asian. On May 4, 2021, City Council adopted a motion awarding a contract to GPA Consulting to draft the Historic Context Statement, and authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute a Professional Service Agreement with GPA Consulting in the amount of $99,000. View report to Council
Community Development, re: Public Hearing on Appeal of Design Review Board (DRB) Case No. PDR 1525251, located at 534 and 538 North Kenwood Street The City Council adopted the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting (MMRP) for the Project, sustained the Design Review Board’s decision, and approved Design Review Case No. PDR 1525251 with conditions. The project will continue as originally approved to construct a new 11-unit, three-story residential building and restore the historic 1913 two-story Craftsman style single-family residence located at 534 North Kenwood Street. View report to Council
The next Glendale City Council will meet next on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 beginning at 9:00am for a Special City Council Meeting, 2:00pm for afternoon sessions, and the regularly scheduled Council Meeting at 6:00pm.
Meetings can be viewed on local cable: Charter Cable Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse Channel 99. They may additionally be streamed online by visiting our Public Meeting Portal, or by tuning in to our YouTube channel.