Downtown Residential Development Moratorium Extended
Council adopted an ordinance to extend the 45-day moratorium on the issuance of permits or entitlements for residential development projects, including residential mixed-use projects, in the Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) area by 10 months and 15 days with exceptions, which can be found here.
$76,000 to Support Summer Youth Employment
Council also accepted Youth Employment funds totaling $82,000 from the Los Angeles County Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services Department. Council then allocated $76,000 of that total – as recommended and approved by the Verdugo Workforce Development Board – for summer youth employment services overseen by the Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA). The full staff report can be found here. To learn more about GYA opportunities for youth, click here.
Summer Training and Employment for Students
Council accepted $300,000 of Summer Training and Employment Program for Students (STEPS) funds from the California Department of Rehabilitation and California’s Employment Training Panel. The funds enable the Verdugo Workforce Development Board to distribute $240,000 to the Glendale Youth Alliance (GYA), and $30,000 to the Glendale Community College-Professional Development Center. The full staff report can be found here. To learn more about GYA opportunities for youth, click here.
Measure M Multiyear Subregional Plan
City Council approved a resolution to appropriate $31,310 from Measure M local return to pay for the City of Glendale’s proportional share of consultant costs to develop the Arroyo Verdugo Communities Joint Powers Authority’s Measure M Multiyear Subregional Plan. The full staff report can be found here.
City Opposes Possible November Ballot Measure
City Council voted to oppose the Tax Fairness, Transparency, and Accountability Act of 2018. According to the League of California Cities, the proposed statewide initiative would limit local revenue authority if approved. The full staff report can be found here.
Fire Department to Purchase Four New AEDs
City Council authorized the City Manager to dispense with competitive bidding for the purchase of four automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and preventative maintenance services from Zoll Medical Corporation. The full staff report can be found here.
In other news…
City Council dispensed with competitive bidding to authorize the purchase of eight compressed natural gas Autocar ACX64 cab over chassis full-size with Amrep AMHASLT-30 automated side loading refuse body trash trucks and two compressed natural gas Autocar ACX42 cab over chassis mini with Amrep AMHASLT-1 6 automated side loading refuse body trash trucks from Los Angeles Truck Centers, LLC. The full staff report can be found here.
Council also dispensed with the competitive bidding process and authorized the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $560,000 over five years with Ray Gaskin Service, Inc., to provide miscellaneous specialty parts and services for City-owned Refuse Trucks, Bin Trucks and Perkins Rotary Tipper. The full staff report can be found here.
Lastly, City Council adopted a motion authorizing the City Manager to execute a three-year Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Sure Power Consulting, LLC to provide staff augmentation to the Glendale Water and Power (GWP) Utility Modernization Business Systems Section and the Information Services Department, System Administration Section in an amount not-to-exceed $1,774,500 for three years plus a ten percent contingency in the amount of $177,450 for three years with an option to renew the agreement. The full staff report can be found here.