Do you want to get involved in the City’s campaign to help stop the spread of COVID-19? Join the COVID-19 Digital Ambassador Program!
Who: Digital Ambassadors are digitally-savvy, socially active individuals who will share information about COVID-19 resources, safety protocols, as well as changes to the State/County Health Orders.The Digital Ambassadors will lead a grassroots movement to show the rest of the community how important it is to follow infection control protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect our home.
Why: People like you are what make our community consistently stand out as one of the best places to live, work, and play. As a COVID-19 Digital Ambassador, you’ll help share the necessary COVID-19 related information with your social networks to help stop the spread in Glendale.
Where: The digital space to ensure continual engagement of volunteers in safe and effective ways.
How: Sign up to become a Glendale COVID-19 Digital Ambassador with your email address. You will receive an email with a social media toolkit that includes text, images, and videos, and we will also periodically send you updates to share with your networks. Click "Share Now" in the email to share automatically with the networks you choose.