Pacific Park Library at 501 South Pacific Avenue will be the site of a free citizenship and immigration screening, or consultation, event on Saturday, November 4 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event, provided by The International Rescue Committee, is for anyone interested in naturalization!
An informational presentation about the naturalization process and potential forms of immigration relief will be conducted at 1 p.m.
The International Rescue Committee recommends that anyone applying for citizenship start the process by completing an immigration screening, or consultation, which will be available this Saturday.
A follow up CitizenshipWorks workshop on Saturday, November 18 at the Downtown Central Library at 222 East Harvard Street is also recommended for those interesting in applying for citizenship.
The Glendale Health Festival will be held at the nearby Pacific Community Center at the same time.
The International Rescue committee is a U.S. Department of Justice accredited nonprofit organization that provides low cost immigration services.